Gray News is passive transmitter
They are ignoring or suppressing important stories, they are out of touch with ordinary people's concerns, or they are passive transmitters of official utterances.
---Mark Knights, University of East Anglia, on today's journalism. I thought it fit the Gray News quite well.
---Mark Knights, University of East Anglia, on today's journalism. I thought it fit the Gray News quite well.
Your quotation is like shooting a pussycat with a bazooka.
By Anonymous, at 6:50 PM
Interesting comment on the manner of the post. Now, do you have a comment on the contents of it? e.g. your opinion as to whether the Gray News avoids presenting people's concerns, ignores important stories, or are passive transmitters?
By Gray Maine, at 8:02 PM
Extreme Bias.
Dictatorial Journalism.
Singular Political Reporting.
By Anonymous, at 8:27 AM
Biasbuster, I interpret your response as unnecessarily defensive. My comment past you bye.
By Anonymous, at 9:39 PM
Anaonymous, I felt your comment was nnecessarily unclear and focused on the tone of the post rather than the contents of it. More than one sentence would have helped here. Otherwise there is much left to interpret.
Also, The 'other' blog people tend to have a modus operandi that shifts focus away from the issue at hand, and toward either the way the post was made or attacks the person making it.
If you have more to say about a 'pussycat and a bazooka' then please, by all means, express yourself more clearly and fully. I prefer not to devolve into a tit for tat on the tone of posts. It doesn't help.
By Gray Maine, at 5:31 AM
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