Bad Journalism + Biased Editor = The Gray News

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Another area the Gray News fails

Form the Press Herald article in 2000 about the Gray News's failings:

"He [Clark] can coin a clever phrase, like the paper's new slogan: "Black and white and read all over Gray." But he's not really a journalist, he said. "I'm just a guy walking around town."

Biasbuster says: Mr Clark saying 'I'm just a guy walking around town' does not inspire confidence. The Journalism Code of Ethics says: "Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information." Walking around town...suppressing news...boosting government in return for favors or money...those acts fail the code and they fail the citizens.

"But communities need journalists, not just boosters, said Toplitt, at Boston University. Decisions that have enormous impact on people's lives are made in small towns, and residents turn to their local papers for impartial information. "There are certain watchdog functions that people are looking for in their local paper," he said."

Biasbuster says that one of the most important functions of the paper is informing the citizenry. The Gray News's stance of not having 'bad news get around,' and boosting whatever government does fails that function.


  • From that PPH article I was hoping you would get here. Now how about the Nemitz column?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:12 PM  

  • What about it? I mentioned how I felt about it in an earlier reply in a post, and the fact that it was an opinion piece, not a news article like these are, and the fact that Nemitz had Gray ties thorugh his wife I think which colored his opinion. What else is there to say?

    By Blogger Gray Maine, at 5:07 AM  

  • I think you missed it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:12 AM  

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