and now for something completely different
An editorial by Biasbuster. It's all about perspective. My contention is the Gray News and the people associated with the Gray News have a dark, gloomy, and self-absorbed perspective. When that negative perspective becomes too insular, too constant, and too myopic, week after week, year after year in their paper, it hurts the town.
The recent commentary by Mr. Proudian on June 30 is a great example. I could make a very long piece about it, but instead I chose a few selected paragraphs to make my point. Mr. Proudian's reappointment to the cable committee was declined by three councilors. Now he is angry at the three councilors who voted no, and his commentary about it appeared in the Gray News last Friday.
On June 30, an opinion commentary by Paul Proudian said:
"The three self-appointed council alphas"
Gee, last year when Gary Foster was recognized as chair he was pronounced a brutal dictator. Now it's a triumverate. Negativity spreads like a cancer.
"in my opinion, been an unmitigated disaster-a period of lost opportunities, personal vendettas, double standards, petty favoritism, and profound administrative incompetence."
I have two words for Mr. Proudian: his blog. The above description fits his writings perfectly.
"In one short year they have made a mockery of small town life, and left ruin in their wake."
1. They ruined the town because they wouldn't sign Mr. Proudian up for a committeee appointment?
2. Blog, Mr. Proudian, blog, it did a good job of creating disharmony, negativity, and hate. Ruin, if you will.
3. Is the glass half full, or half empty? I don’t see a ruined town. I see hundreds of parents at the Little League trophy ceremony, the First Congo ladies selling cookies and breads for fellowship at the Gray marketplace, knots of happy people at the post office wishing each other a happy holiday, and gleeful kids swimming at the lake, which was recently improved by teens working with the YCC. A ruined town in Mr. Proudian’s eyes, a happy and productive town is in my eyes.
"Soviets exiled my grandfather and sent an uncle off to Siberia for thinking and acting in unapproved ways; so I am, in my own small fashion, carrying on the family tradition of paying a price for annoying paranoid tyrants."
Comparing Soviet exile on the steppes of Siberia with a declined appointment to a cable television committee... Nice to have delusions of grandeur.
I suggest that if Mr Proudian can in fact muster the enthusiasm he claims to be about to muster for his Independence Day celebration, that he hold it close and use it for something positive. It might improve his perspective.
The recent commentary by Mr. Proudian on June 30 is a great example. I could make a very long piece about it, but instead I chose a few selected paragraphs to make my point. Mr. Proudian's reappointment to the cable committee was declined by three councilors. Now he is angry at the three councilors who voted no, and his commentary about it appeared in the Gray News last Friday.
On June 30, an opinion commentary by Paul Proudian said:
"The three self-appointed council alphas"
Gee, last year when Gary Foster was recognized as chair he was pronounced a brutal dictator. Now it's a triumverate. Negativity spreads like a cancer.
"in my opinion, been an unmitigated disaster-a period of lost opportunities, personal vendettas, double standards, petty favoritism, and profound administrative incompetence."
I have two words for Mr. Proudian: his blog. The above description fits his writings perfectly.
"In one short year they have made a mockery of small town life, and left ruin in their wake."
1. They ruined the town because they wouldn't sign Mr. Proudian up for a committeee appointment?
2. Blog, Mr. Proudian, blog, it did a good job of creating disharmony, negativity, and hate. Ruin, if you will.
3. Is the glass half full, or half empty? I don’t see a ruined town. I see hundreds of parents at the Little League trophy ceremony, the First Congo ladies selling cookies and breads for fellowship at the Gray marketplace, knots of happy people at the post office wishing each other a happy holiday, and gleeful kids swimming at the lake, which was recently improved by teens working with the YCC. A ruined town in Mr. Proudian’s eyes, a happy and productive town is in my eyes.
"Soviets exiled my grandfather and sent an uncle off to Siberia for thinking and acting in unapproved ways; so I am, in my own small fashion, carrying on the family tradition of paying a price for annoying paranoid tyrants."
Comparing Soviet exile on the steppes of Siberia with a declined appointment to a cable television committee... Nice to have delusions of grandeur.
I suggest that if Mr Proudian can in fact muster the enthusiasm he claims to be about to muster for his Independence Day celebration, that he hold it close and use it for something positive. It might improve his perspective.
Mr. Proudian deserves an explanation from the council for its rejection of his application to be reappointed to this cable committee ... not withstanding that Mr Fogg, cable committee chair supported Proudian.
Let us citizens hear from this town council why it rejected Proudian.
By Anonymous, at 9:01 PM
Why does the council owe him an explanation?
By Gray Maine, at 11:08 AM
Maybe Paul should give the Council an explanation as to why he thinks that calling fellow committee memers viral implants and starting a town-upsetting, abusive recall to get back at the council who wanted to abolish his wife's committee makes him deserved of being appointed a second time.
Just because a person is breathing does not mean the council HAS to take him.
By Anonymous, at 11:52 AM
There is an evil, ugly streak running through Gray. Not everyone notices it. Nor does it affect everyone in its path. But it's doing damage in ways seen and unseen, affecting the morale of citizens, employees, and others who come in contact with it. It's like a contagious disease, turning otherwise nice people into snarling gossips, intelligent people into morons, turning people against one another, putting ugly words in their mouths which they use to wound one another.
The evil, ugly streak relies on peoples' ability to hate one another, to get their blood boiling, their tongues wagging, their hyperbole featured on one blog after another. Hating The Gray News. Hating the Monument. Hating town councilors. Hating town volunteers. Tossing the ugliness back and forth like a football. How long are you going to keep this ball in the air, folks? How long you going to let the evil, ugly streak affect you and the way you treat your neighbors? Do those of you who hate one newspaper editor or another-- does it make you sleep better at night? Those of you who look at others as "outsiders" and tell them to leave-- does that make you feel warm inside?
What is wrong with you people that you let yourselves be filled with hate? Look around you, see who's egging it on, ask them, politely, with love, to stop. See how they react, see if they are even aware of what they are doing.
There is an evil here, and a sickness, but it doesn't have to spread if we don't let it. Hasn't it made enough of us sick already?
By Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
Mr. Proudian is deserving of an explanation for his rejection firstly out of general respect, secondly because he was an incumbent, and thirdly because he was praised by his committee's chair, Mr. Fogg.
By Anonymous, at 10:46 PM
It is my opinion that the Council's decision to NOT reappoint Paul Proudian to the Cable Committee was, in deed, a GOOD ONE!
By his own actions; and comments, Paul has proven that he cannot be Trusted. He is a 'loose cannon'!!
By Anonymous, at 7:35 AM
The Council is under NO obligation to offer an explanation for their decisions regarding reappointments! As far as Paul Proudian goes, HE knows exactly why he was not reappointed. He needs to accept accountability for his actions and Get Over It!
By Anonymous, at 8:12 AM
I've never known anyone that can sustain such a long period of anger.
By Anonymous, at 8:31 AM
I caught the Siberia part, and it interested me, because someone told me that when Paul was in college it was all about how he hated America.
By Anonymous, at 8:36 AM
Paul, Ray, Nathan certainly can carry anger pretty far and long.
By Gray Maine, at 12:49 PM
Well said, Cal. Let's see what happens.
By Gray Maine, at 1:08 PM
I second Mr. Cutter's statement.
By Anonymous, at 6:29 PM
Anger is a debilitating quality; and will ultimately destroy Gray News, Ray Clark, Nathan Tsukroff, Debbie Mancini, and all the vicious people who harbor it!
By Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
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