Bad Journalism + Biased Editor = The Gray News

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Waiting for latest edition. I know they won't disappoint

I can hardly wait to bust The Gray News tomorow. I happen to know that the major photo on the front is...a chipmunk. Way to go, Gray News, in the face of 9-11's five year anniversary.


  • They are smart to leave the real news to the real newspapers.

    A little gratuitous chipmunk never hurt anybody... well, unless it's taking up space on the front page where news should be.

    Maybe they gave up and are writing for chipmunks now?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:35 PM  

  • yeah, he's cute, but right on the front page, big, where lotsa real news should go. Oh, well, you're right, that only leaves the news for the REAL newspaper! Which, to me, is The Monument.

    By Blogger Gray Maine, at 9:40 PM  

  • What are advertisers getting for their money?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:28 PM  

  • It's really strange: Advertisers have a choice of going in a paper that prints fewer copies (only about 3800) with no other cross-advertising options is any sister papers. They do not distribute out of town. And there is little content. On the other hand there is The Monument where an advertiser gets his ad seen in 8,000 papers directly mailed to Gray AND New Gloucester and the opportunity for little more money to go into any or all of the other 7 sister papers where 160,000 get distributed. There's always great news content and there's color. Realtors love color, their houses show better in a color ad.

    So the answer is I DON"T KNOW!! It's really a waste of $$ to go in The Gray News.

    Unless you are deliberately propping up the paper, for emotional reasons. For example, whenever you see large ads from Wilson Funeral Home or Spring Meadows, that's Brad and Jason helping because the Gray News needs $$ that week. Others feel that they 'need' to be in both papers because there are different readerships. This is a fallacy, but it is what some believe.

    On top of it, the staff is brusque and non-customer friendly. Their ofice hours are short so it's hard to reach them to even give them an ad, and the finished ads look terrible. {sigh} I don't know...

    By Blogger Gray Maine, at 7:38 PM  

  • Their Demise is Eminent!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:34 AM  

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