Getting it wrong hurts the town
On September 2, Ray Clark wrote, "Councilor Andrew Upham said that he expected the Council to provide funding, eventually, to the Committee that could amount to $200,000."
This is mostly incorrect. The full explanation is that the Plan's proponents will seek funds through the Statewide block grant program. Some of those grants require matching funds, and if so, the town may consider discussing a match. However, the funds in the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) program are available and segregated for specific uses within the TIF area. The TIF Area is the Downtown, the specific uses are for infrastructure. The Village Plan is calling for infrastructure improvements, like sidewalks. So the match may be with funds that already exist.
In addition, the council can not "provide funding" to the tune of $200,000 without voting on it and/or presenting it to the people to vote on it, like at town meeting or at the polls. Certainly not without offering an opportunity for the people to weigh in on it. Mr. Clark well knows that.
When Ray Clark gets it wrong, or fails to report the whole story, it hurts the town. Mis-reporting on the charter amendment proposal and the Village Plan means that readers make up their minds on the issue without having had benefit of all the facts. This hurts the town.
This is mostly incorrect. The full explanation is that the Plan's proponents will seek funds through the Statewide block grant program. Some of those grants require matching funds, and if so, the town may consider discussing a match. However, the funds in the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) program are available and segregated for specific uses within the TIF area. The TIF Area is the Downtown, the specific uses are for infrastructure. The Village Plan is calling for infrastructure improvements, like sidewalks. So the match may be with funds that already exist.
In addition, the council can not "provide funding" to the tune of $200,000 without voting on it and/or presenting it to the people to vote on it, like at town meeting or at the polls. Certainly not without offering an opportunity for the people to weigh in on it. Mr. Clark well knows that.
When Ray Clark gets it wrong, or fails to report the whole story, it hurts the town. Mis-reporting on the charter amendment proposal and the Village Plan means that readers make up their minds on the issue without having had benefit of all the facts. This hurts the town.
Their are political views by some that their way is the best way and will do anything (lie, cheat, misrepresent, attack, etc)to get their way. They think they know whats best for you and will throw demoracy out the window. The more that people have the opportunity to learn the facts and participate in the decision, the more comfortable I am.
By Anonymous, at 9:34 AM
I'm really happy when that happens, too.
By Gray Maine, at 10:36 AM
Ray Clark does Hurt the Town with his unethical and biased reporting; however, HE will never 'Get It' because he doesn't have brains enough to acknowledge his own inadequacies!
By Anonymous, at 11:03 AM
I think 'The Gray Independent' has made Ray very much aware of his inadequacies...Ray Is Retiring!
By Anonymous, at 12:31 PM
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