Bad Journalism + Biased Editor = The Gray News

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Clark is good at bullying and abusing

On July 08, 2005 Ray Clark wrote,

“Council Hears Differing Views On Pennell Disposition"
"More than 50 people attended Tuesday night's Town Council Meeting-enough to fill two hours with informed, semi-informed and uninformed rhetoric about the future of Pennell Institute.”

BUST: it is inappropriate for Mr. Clark to make judgments about the quality of the discussion. It is the reporter’s job to transcribe the statements under discussion as neutrally as possible. This is an example of opinion journalism because Mr. Clark inserted his own opinion into the news article instead of leaving it to the reader to make his own decision as to the level of informed discussion.
June 24, 2005, Ray Clark wrote:

“Foster Elected Council Chair; Sturgis Resigns"
"In a Town Council Meeting that progressed from stunner to stunner, Gary Foster was elected Chair and newcomer Andrew Upham Vice-Chair and Councilor Matt Sturgis announced his resignation-exactly one week after elections. Between those two totally unexpected-except, perhaps, by the Councilors themselves-events, the Council voted to table the proposed Zoning amendments, approved…”

BUST: Mr. Clark says, ‘except perhaps for the councilors themselves…’ Again, Mr. Clark is inserting his opinion into the article. News articles should be as factual as possible and as neutral as possible. If Mr. Clark had a concern about the activities of the councilors, he should name the councilors, and firm up the facts around the supposed activities. Instead, he made an insinuation without substantiating it. This is opinion journalism, journalistic bullying, and just plain abusive.


  • Ray Clark IS an unethical Bully! It's amazing how many people support this type of behavior; and I guess therein lies the communication difficulties!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:27 AM  

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